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Risers & Dynamic Umbilicals
Engineering of Risers and Dynamic Umbilical projects
Risers & Umbilicals: Texte
Projects Context
Concept selection, FEEDs, compensated and uncompensated tenders, EPCI projects,
Shallow / deep ultra-deepwater projects, Various operators, NOC & IOC, Worldwide.
Design & Engineering Activities
Functional requirements, Design basis, Design Premises,
Concept Selection: rigid, flexible, hybrid, free hanging, lazy wave…
Pipe and ancillary equipment sizing,
Material specifications, Equipment list, Material take-off,
Sub-contractors and vendors selection, Budgeting, scheduling, Risk assessment and peer reviews
Finite Element Modelling & Optimization
Model Definition and Implementation including RAOs verification and input Load Case Matrix Definition including methodologies to reduce number of load cases
Extreme Analysis: Normal Operation, Extreme, Survival including MARPOL case
Fatigue Analysis: Wave, VIV, Slugging Interference Analysis including VIV DAF and Wake effect
Wet Storage
Spools and jumpers Design
Installation & Construction phase, Operational phase.
“Special” Engineering
Riser Configuration Optimization Routines
Offloading Line Configuration Definition & Qualification Program Definition for an FLNG in 33 m Water Depth
Mechanically lined pipe, Upset end pipes, Composite pipes, Titanium Tapered Stress Joints…
Risers & Umbilicals: Service
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